Buenos Bergen Tango Weekend May 31st-June 3rd, 2018

(in English below)

SABRINA OG RUBEN Veliz fra Buenos Aires er et av verdens mest kjente tangopar. De har i en årrekke jobbet med koreografi og filminnspillinger, og ikke minst reist rundt i hele verden som instruktører. Ruben har også skrevet «Secrets of the embrace», om metoden de har utviklet for å undervise i tango. Boken anbefales på det varmeste. De er stadig populære tangoinstruktører på store tangofestivaler rundt om i verden – og snart er vi så heldige å få dem tilbake til Bergen for tredje gang på to år!

Sabrina og Ruben besøkte oss sist i juni 2017. Vi opplevde et fantastisk dyktig tangopar både som lærere og dansere. De er dessuten sympatiske, jordnære og hyggelige, og deler sin kunnskap med engasjement, lidenskap og glede.

PRIVATTIMER; Sabrina og Ruben kommer 29. mai og blir til 6. juni. I denne perioden vil det være mulig å ta privattimer. NB: Begrenset antall timer pr danser/par.


SABRINA AND RUBEN VELIZ from Buenos Aires is one of the world’s most famous tango couples. For years they have been working with choreography and film recordings and been traveling around the world as instructors. Ruben also wrote the book «Secrets of the embrace,» which deals with the technique they have developed for learning tango. They are popular as tango instructors at major tango festivals around the world – and very soon we’re fortunate to have them back in Bergen, for the third time in two years!

Ruben and Sabrina visited us last time in June 2017. We enjoyed an amazing couple who teach and perform with passion and joy.

PRIVATE LESSONS: Sabrina and Ruben will be in Bergen from May 29th until June 6th. During this period, there will be possibilities for private lessons. Please note that there will be a limited number of lessons per dancer/couple.

SEMINARS – see program below

MILONGAS – Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday!
Level INTERMEDIATE: 2-5 years of practice. You have attended several courses and have danced regularly. You are familiar with and have a reasonable understanding of tango and a good repertoire of steps.
Level ADVANCED: 5 or more years of practice. Solid understanding of techical aspects of tango. You manage to improvise in your dance and feel comfortable to dance with all dancers. You have practiced tango for many years and are able to share your experience and techniques with others.
Seminars for intermediate level is suitable for intermediate and advanced dancers.
This is a concept where you sign up for the whole weekend seminar. Except for the Thursday class. In this way you get the opportunity to learn and develop through a whole series of classes where each class is building opon the previous.
We present two seminars. One seminar on intermediate level of 3 classes, and one seminar on advanced level of 4 classes. If you are an advanced dancer you can register for both.
SEMINAR INTERMEDIATE: «The secrets of the embrace» Posture, axis and balance to the service of the comfort and the connection in the couple, how to walk well, sending and receiving the lead to achieve a fluid communication. Basic movements with dissociation and pivot.
SEMINAR ADVANCED: Putting it all together!
Laboratory to check and to apply all the knowledge developed in different sequences.
During this arrangement we kindly ask you to NOT eat nuts before workshops and milongas due to a severe nut allergy. Do not bring nuts to this arrangement. Go bananas instead 🙂 Thank you for your understanding.
Thursday, May 31st (in Jekteviken)
1915-2045 Veliz’s waltz class
2100-2330 Milonga
Friday, June 1st (in Fensal, Kong Oscars gate 15)
1730-1900 Seminar intermediate
1915-2045 Seminar advanced
2100-0100 Milonga
Saturday, June 02 (in Fensal, Kong Oscars gate 15)
1300-1430 Seminar intermediate
1500-1630 Seminar advanced
1645-1815 Seminar advanced
2100-0200 Grand milonga, with show
Sunday, June 03
1300-1430 Seminar intermediate (in Fensal, Kong Oscars gate 15)
1500-1630 Seminar advanced (in Fensal, Kong Oscars gate 15)
1900-2200 Milonga (in Jekteviken)
PRICES (per person):
Seminar intermediate 3 classes NOK 900,-
Seminar advanced 4 classes NOK 1200,-
Thursday class NOK 300,-
Påmelding kun i par, og påmeldingen er bindende (refunderes ikke). Man må melde seg på og ta alle tre/fire klassene i et seminar, unntatt den separate torsdagsklassen.
Registration only in couples; no refund after registration. You have to register for all classes in a seminar, except the single Thursday class.