Vi får besøk av Michael Watson fra Toulouse/Frankrike 4.mars. Og han skal holde verksted for oss i Jekteviken kl 18 – 20.
Tema: “For a comfortable and structured dance, then playing on musicality, from fast to silence in the dance”.
Nivå: Passer alle nivåer.
En introduksjon av Michael:
“After several years of intensive involvement in martial arts followed by professional contemporary dance and clowning, in 2000 Michael Watson discovered Argentine tango, to which he has since devoted all his time and energy. Michael has taught tango for the last 8 years, constantly refining his teaching style with regular classes in his home town Toulouse, as well as frequent invitations to conduct courses in Lisbon , Moscow , Iceland , south France and now the third time in Norway .
To maintain and develop his own tango skills, Michael is a regular visitor to Buenos Aires – where he has spent 15 months in the past 5 years – and to Berlin, the European tango capital. It is also in Buenos Aires and in Berlin that he is able to reflect on and improve his own teaching approach – with a special focus on the role of the woman – through contact with the world’s best tango practitioners.
Michael’s classes, while respecting the technical intricacies of the dance, put a strong emphasis on musicality, focusing on the dancers’ feelings and the intimacy of their partnership.
Michael is also an accomplished DJ in his regular milongas he had in Toulouse , and DJing in place he is invited . ”
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Pris: kr 100 for medlemmer/ kr 150 ikke-medlemmer.
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