Tango Weekend with Maximiliano Cristiani and Francesca Buono

Tangohelg med lærere fra Buenos Aires

påmelding via denne lenken på deltager.no

Mellom 9. og 19. september får vi besøk av Francesca og Maximiliano. Disse to er dansere og pedagoger i verdensklasse. Begge er suksessfulle profesjonelle dansere som sikter høyt og ble anerkjent som verdensmestere i både tango de pista (2013) og tango escenario (2008)

Sett av i kalenderen allerede nå og vær for- beredt på en knallhelg! Dette vil du ikke gå glipp av.

Maximililiano and Francesca will be in Bergen 9. of September until 19. of september and they will hold privates. Program of their privates will be announced our webside.

Program for the weekend :

12 of september Thursday kl 18.00-19.30

VALS ( All levels)

Kl 19.45- 21.15

MILONGA: (all levels)

Musicality, how to dance ¨traspie¨in the same place, and traipse in lineal sequences.


13. of september Friday kl 18.00- 19.30

DIAMOND LESSON 1 (ALL LEVELS , Couples tecnique class)

13. of september Friday kl 19.45- 21.15

Rytmical System part 1

Milonga in JV 21.30-01.00

DJ: Tarjei


14. of september Saturday kl 13.00-14.30


14. of september Saturday kl 15.00-16.30

Super giro part 1

Milonga med show kl 21.00- 01.00 in JV DJ: Birger

100 kr for members/150 for not members


25. of November Sunday kl 13.00-14.30

DIAMOND LESSON (ALL LEVELS , Couples tecnique class)

25. of November Sunday kl 15.00-16.30

Super giro part 2

Milonga 19:00-22:00 in JV DJ: Jonny

DIAMOND LESSON(Couples tecnique class)

*THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON FOR ALL THE STUDENTS AND ALL THE LEVELS…FOR BEGINNERS, INTERMEDIATE, AND ADVANCE becouse we will be working on the most importants structures: Posture, Embrace, Conection, the secrets for our WAY OF WALK, Ochos. Everybody should take this lesson becouse will be the BASE for all the lessons !

*This lesson for re-analyze all the main structure, to demystify doubts and to understand in depth a system that allows me to dance hugely but with the comfort that gives ¨feel free to dance¨.

We believe that the most important thing in the dance is not the image but to enjoy the dance and that is only achieved when you are confortable

The connection and close embrace are not synonymous with limitations, we can embrace and also move our body with freedom, flexibility and fluidity.

The more individual knowledge and control of our own body, the more freedom we will have when we dance with another.That is why we will analyze all the structures, posture, balance, abrazo, walk, forward and back ochos


Rithmical sistem,resources for dance in small place, figuras using rebounds, full embrace, working with musicality

3)SUPER GIRO LESSON: all levels

Deep analysis of GIRO, from zero to the maximum level.