SABRINA OG RUBEN Veliz fra Buenos Aires, Argentina, er et av verdens mest kjente tangopar. Paret har en imponerende CV! De har i en årrekke jobbet med koreografi, filminnspillinger og de har til og med hatt opptredener for europeiske kongehus!
Sabrina og Ruben har selvsagt også reist rundt i hele verden som tangoinstruktører med spektakulære show der de selv også har vært hoveddansere. Som o
m dette ikke var nok – Ruben har også skrevet boken «Secrets of the embrace». Den omhandler teknikken de har utviklet gjennom mange år for å lære tango. Boken er utgitt på fire språk og anbefales på det varmeste. De er stadig populære tangoinstruktører på store tangofestivaler rundt om i verden – og snart er vi så heldige å få dem til Buenos Bergen!
KURSPROGRAM – se under
PRIVATTIMER – Sabrina og Ruben kommer allerede 22. november og skal være i Bergen til 30. november. I denne perioden vil det være mulig å ta privattimer med dem. Mer informasjon om pris og tider kommer.
MILONGAS torsdag til søndag – program kommer!
SABRINA OG RUBEN VELIZ from Buenos Aires, Argentina , is one of the world ‘s most famous tango couples. They have an impressive resume! For years they have been working with choreography, film recordings and they even had appearances for European royal families! Sabrina and Ruben has of course also been travelling around the world as tango instructors with spectacular shows in which they themselves also have been the principal dancers. Moreover
– Ruben also wrote the book ” Secrets of the embrace.” It deals with the technique they have developed over many years for learning the tango. The book is published in four languages and is highly recommended. They are continually popular as tango instructors at major tango festivals around the world – and very soon we’re fortunate to bring them to Buenos Bergen!
PRIVATE LESSONS – Sabrina and Ruben will be here from 22. Until 30. November, in this period there will be possibilities to book private lessons. More information about prices and schedule will follow.
MILONGAS – Thursday to Sunday. Stay tuned!
Thursday 24.nov.
1900-2030 Enrosques – intermediate/advanced level
Technique and individual mechanism for man and woman. Applications in the dance floor.
Friday 25.nov.
1730-1900 Seminar of Consious Tango part one – all levels
Functionality of the corporal axis and correct utilization of the energy. Concious postural reeducation , domain of the muscular tension, decompression and elasticity of the articulations. Sensitive practice and communication in the Couple . Connection, freedom and flexibility in the embrace.
1915-2045 Seminar of Giro part one – advanced level
Functionality of the axis and the energy centrifuges during the giro, individual technique for man and woman. Application of different variants for tango, milonga and waltz inside the social dance. Complex adornments for the man and variants in the feminine role during the giro.
Saturday 26.nov.
1200-1330 Seminar of Consious Tango part two
1345-1515 Seminar of Waltz part one – advanced level
Different combination with changes of dynamics
1530-1700 Ganchos & boleos – advanced level
For man and woman
Sunday 27.nov.
1300-1430 Seminar of Giro part two
1500-1630 Seminar of Waltz part two
PLEASE read and respect the dance levels which are described below. Then the quality of the classes and seminars will improve for you and others in the class.
The classes for intermediate level are suitable for intermediate and advanced dancers. ‘All’ – is suitable for all.
All | These classes suite all levels as the focus is on working with basic principles. However, as a minimum you should have attended a beginners course and a repetition course. In addition you should have practiced tango (practica and/or Milongas) for 6 months | 1-20 years |
Intermediate | You have attended several courses and have danced regularly 1-2 times a week. You are familiar with and have a reasonable understanding of tango and good repertoire of steps. | 2-5 years |
Advanced | Excellent understanding of technical aspects of tango. You manage to improvise in your dance and feel comfortable to dance with all dancers. You have practiced tango for many years and are able to share your experience and techniques with others. | 5 and more |
PÅMELDING fra fredag 14. oktober på
Påmelding kun i par.
Man må melde seg på og ta begge klassene i et seminar.
Vennligst respekter nivåbetegnelsen for det aktuelle kurs for å få et best mulig utbytte av kurset.
REGISTRATION from friday 14. october at
Registration only in couples.
You have to register for both classes in a seminar.
Please respect the level given to each class to get the best value from the class.
Earlybird before 31.10: Price: Per class:
1-3 classes 250-750 250
4 classes 900 225
6 classes 1290 216
8 classes 1600 200
Prices from 1.11:
1-3 classes 300-900 300
4 classes 1100 275
6 classes 1530 255
8 classes 1840 300