Buenos Bergen Tango Weekend

PABLO INZA & SOFIA SABORIDO fra Argentina er begge dyktige og erfarne pedagoger, sceneartister, koreografer og skuespillere. Pablo og Sofia har hver for seg hatt stor suksess med opptredener og undervisning verden over i mange år. Etter at de slo seg sammen i 2013 er de i dag blitt et av tangoverdenens mest kjente og skattede tangopar. De har allerede besøkt Bergen i 2017 med storsuksess. Vi er veldig glade og stolte over å ha fått dette etterspurte paret til Bergen igjen!
After decades of teaching and performing around the globe, Pablo and Sofia has become an international point of reference on the world tango scene. Refined pedagogues, performers, choreographs and actors, Pablo and Sofia are accomplished artists who partnered in 2013, creating one of the most renowned couples that Argentine tango presently has. We are happy and proud to host this cherished couple in Bergen!
Pablo Inza (Arg) is one of the present day´s tango scene’s most influential figures and has won respect worldwide for his innovative and creative style: rich in contrasting dynamics and playful musicality. An excellent teacher with a great capacity for analysis and an innate sense of musicality, Pablo’s classes are popular amongst dancers of all levels.
Sofia Saborido (Arg) is a delicate yet intense dancer. She has an extensive background in theatre, ballet, modern and jazz dance. The deep musicality and quality of movement in her dancing is based on a refined and sensitive connection.
Pablo and Sofia`s philosophy:
“In improvisation we trust”. About tango, we love the possibility to build the dance through small moments. Even if we use patterns while dancing, we challenge the couple to decide step-by-step what will come next. We believe in the real improvisation.
In our classes, the dancers will work on awakening the body awareness and connection in order to develop the physical dialogue within the couple. Our technique work doesn’t only have an aesthetic purpose, it rather helps to find the comfort of the dancers in a relaxed and sensitive embrace. To stimulate the improvisation in your dance, we focus on short and useful situations rather than long sequences.
We provide students with useful information to help them develop a personal and creative dance, encouraging the diversity that we so much love about tango.
SEMINARS AND MILONGAS-see program below
PRIVATE LESSONS- Pablo and Sofia will be available for private lessons in Bergen from Thursday Oct 30th until Tuesday Nov 5th. Click here you can book your private lessons with them.
Prior to signing up for the seminars, please read and respect the levels described below. By following this guide the quality of the classes and the seminars will improve for yourself as well as the others in the class.
Please note that the seminar on intermediate level is suitable also for advanced dancers.
Level INTERMEDIATE: You have attended several courses and have danced regurlarly 1-2 times a week. You are familiar with and have a reasonable understanding of tango and a good repertoire of steps.
Level ADVANCED:  Solid understanding of  technical aspects of tango. You manage to improvise in your dance and feel comfortable to dance with most dancers. You have practiced tango some years and are able to share your experience and techniques with others.
This is a concept where you sign up for the whole weekend seminar. In this way you get the opportunity to learn and develop though a series of classes. We present two seminars. One seminar on intermediate level of 3 classes ( a total of 4,5 hours) and one seminar on advanced level of 3 classes (4,5 hours). If you are an advanced dancer you can register for both.
SEMINAR INTERMEDIATE: Embrace and Music Seminar
Adjust the bodies within the couple according to the need in various situations. Smooth and danceable transitions. Adapt and modify your movement according to a musical idea. Changes of dynamic to create contrast and give texture to your dance.Upgrade your dance by refining the dialogue within the couple using pauses and adornments. Create space for styling and musicality.
SEMINAR ADVANCED: Improvisation Seminar
Possibilities using the pivot. Micro-pivot, pivot and over pivot. Crosses for both roles. Get to lead and follow them. The mix. Create the improvisation “step by step”, including proposals from the follower.
Thursday,  October 31st (Jekteviken)
– 2000-2130:: Guided practica (NOK 100/150 per couple, members/others)
Friday, November 1st (Jekteviken)
– 1730-1900: Intermediate serminar – Adapting the embrace (1/3)
– 1915-2045: Advanced seminar – Exploring pivots (1/3)
– 2100-0100: Milonga, also in (Jekteviken) (NOK 80/100)
Saturday, November 2nd (Jekteviken)
– 1200-1330: Intermediate seminar – In tune with the music (2/3)
– 1400-1530: Advanced seminar – Exploring crosses (2/3)
– 2000-0100: Grand Milonga, with performance (NOK 150/200)
Sunday, November 3rd (Jekteviken)
1200-1330: Intermediate seminar – Pauses & embellishments (3/3)
– 1400-1530: Advanced seminar – Play with improvisation, challenge rules and roles(3/3)
– 1900-2200: Milonga in Jekteviken
Seminarer og Festmilonga lørdag kveld foregår i det legendariske Jekteviken 5.
Seminars and Grand Milonga will take place in the legendary Jekteviken 5.
(see separate post about the venue below)
Prices (per person):
Seminar Intermediate 3 classes NOK 900,-
Seminar Advanced 3 classes NOK 900,-
Both seminars: NOK 1600,-

REGISTRERING – åpnes 1 okt. kl 20:00 via denne lenken:
Advarsel: Plasene er veldig ettersøkt og forventes å bli utsolgt raskt. Vi anbefaller å begynne å plannlegge allerede nå!
Påmelding kun i par. Max antall par på hvert kurs er 15. Påmeldingen er bindende (refunderes ikke). Man melder seg på alle klassene i et seminar. Enkeltklasser er ikke tilgjengelig. Vær snill og respekter nivåbeskrivelsen for det akutelle seminar for å få best mulig utbytte.

REGISTRATION – opens Oktober the 1st via this link:
Warning: The couple is very popular and in high demand. We expect the available spots to be sold out quickly. We recommend to start planning already now.
Registration only in couples; no refund after registration. You have to register for all classes in a seminar. Signup for single classes is not available. Please respect the level given to each seminar to get the best value from it.
