Seminarhelg med Stefania Colina & Juan Martin Carrara : 14-17 mars

Tango weekend with Juan Martín Carrara and Stefanía Colina 14-17. March 2019

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We are happy to annonce that Juan Martin and Stefania will visit us in March second time 🙂

They will arrive at 11. of March and stay until 18 th of March. In that period they will give private classes ad we will announce the list of private classes in the middle of February.

We will only have 10 couples for the group classes, so there is limited places, so dont wait to long to register 🙂

Registration only in couples; no refund after registration. ( Except tecnique classes on Thursday, no need for partner )

About couple:  

Juan Martín Carrara and Stefanía Colina Tango Salón dancers and Choreoraphers.
They won the 2009 Intercontinental Tango Salón Championship and Uruguayan Tango Salón Championship in ]2012.
Young, extremely talented and diligent, they dance with an immense respect for the tradition and the music, and yet keep working on new forms of expression and their own development in the salon and on the stage. Being extremely popular teachers in Buenos Aires, Montevideo and the entire world, their classes allow one to hear and feel what is most intangible in tango. Their exquisite musicality, charm and sensibility have won them many hearts in all over the globe.

PROGRAMME for 14-17 of MARCH

14th March, Thursday :

18.00-19.30 Women Technique  ( for all levels, price 300kr )

Defining the axes with and without dissociation.
Use of the dissociation for smoother or sharper pivots.
Use of the pivot for different ochos.
Difference between forwards, backwards, round, lineal, down, up and contra boleos.

19.45- 21.15 Men Technique  ( for all levels, price 300kr )

Come to practice like in the old times… walk, giros and complex figures between leaders. We start with some technical exercises to work on the walking, dissociation, footstep and embrace, then we apply the same in different combinations adding boleos and contra-boleos and finish the class practicing among leaders as in the old times.

15th March, Friday :

18.00- 19.30 Vals; Music and Cadencia. ( INT,  price 600 kr for couple ) 

We will study the rhythmology in Vals music and the difference between the cadencias.
It is very important to apply the correct “cadencia” in the different Vals steps, in this way your dance will be smooth and fluent.

19.45- 21.15 Music: Rhythmology part 1 ( INT, price 600kr for couple ) 

We will start the workshop by practicing basic rhythms figures and then we will study the way the music can be in communication with the dancers.

Milonga 21.00-01.00

DJ to be announced!

16th March, Saturday:

13.00-14.30 Music: Rytmology part 2 ( INT, price 600kr for couple )

We will start the workshop by practicing complex rhythms figures then We will break down how the instruments interact in the orchestra for later investigate the ways that we can express the music in a creative and playful way.

15.00-16.30 Musicalidad and Combinations for di sarli  ( INT, price 600kr for couple )

We will study the important events in Di Sarli life, so in this way we can understand his music style and wich combinations work better for this orchestra.

Milonga  21.00-01.00 with tango show Juan Martin and Stefania

DJ to be announced!

17th March, Sunday

13.00-14.30 Musicalidad and Combinations for Pugliese. ( ( INT, price 600kr for couple )
We will study the important events in Pugliese life so in this way we can understand his music style and wich combinations work better for this orchestra.

15.00-16.30 Variations, How to manage the speed. ( ( ADV price 600kr for couple )

We will work in complex figures for “Variations”.
Looking for high quality  in the execution of the movements and foot technique precision in pivots.

Sundays milonga 19.00-22.00

DJ to be announced!

Any questions about the classes or levels, plaese dont hesitate to take contact with us.