Buenos Bergen Tango Weekend med Maximiliano og Karina

Maximiliano Cristiani & Karina Colmeiro kommer til Buenos Bergen

Mellom 21. og 28. november får vi besøk av Karina  og Maximiliano. Disse to er dansere og pedagoger i verdensklasse. Begge er suksessfulle profesjonelle dansere som sikter høyt og ble anerkjent som verdensmestere i både tango de pista (2013) og tango escenario (2008)

Sett av i kalenderen allerede nå og vær for- beredt på en knallhelg! Dette vil du ikke gå glipp av.


Maximililiano and Karina will be in Bergen 21. of November until 28. of November and they will hold privates. Program of their privates will be announced our webside.

Program for the weekend :

22. of November Thursday kl 19.00- 20.30 MILONGA: (all levels) Musicality, how to dance ¨traspie¨in the same place, and traipse in lineal sequences.


23. of November Friday kl 18.00- 19.30 DIAMOND LESSON (ALL LEVELS , Couples tecnique class)

23. of November Friday kl 19.45- 21.15 INT / ADV class part 1 

23. of November Friday kl 21.15-01.00 Milonga in JV – DJ: Christian Nilsen


24. of November Saturday kl 13.00-14.30 DIAMOND LESSON (ALL LEVELS , Couples tecnique class)

24. of November Saturday kl 15.00-16.30 INT / ADV class part 2 

24. of November Saturday kl 21.00- 01.00 BUENOS BERGEN MILONGA + SHOW  in  FENSAL DJ: Solveig Jansen

100 kr for members/150 for not members


25. of November Sunday kl 13.00-14.30 DIAMOND LESSON (ALL LEVELS , Couples tecnique class)

25. of November Sunday kl 15.00-16.30 INT / ADV class part 3

25. of November Sunday kl 19.00-22.00 Milonga in JV – DJ Gabriel Bakke


About Diomond class package: ( 1.5 x 3) 

This lesson for re-analyze all the main structure, to demystify doubts and to understand in depth a system that allows me to dance hugely but with the comfort that gives ¨feel free to dance¨.

We believe that the most important thing in the dance is not the image but to enjoy the dance and that is only achieved when you are confortable

The connection and close embrace are not synonymous with limitations, we can embrace and also move our body with freedom, flexibility and fluidity.

The more individual knowledge and controlo of our own body, the more freedom we will have when we dance with another.That is why we will analyze all the structures, posture, balance, abrazo, walk, forward and back ochos

*THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON FOR ALL THE STUDENTS AND ALL THE LEVELS…FOR BEGINNERS, INTERMEDIATE, AND ADVANCE becouse we works the most importants estructures, Posture, Embrace, conection, the secrets for our WAY OF WALK, forwards and backwards ochos. Everybody should take this lesson becouse will be the BASE for all the lessons !

About INT/Advance class package: (1.5 hours x3 )

Package includes Super Giro lesson and MILONGUERO SISTEM: (INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCE)


Deep analysis of GIRO, from cero to the maximum level.The goal is learn sistem for GIRO diferente kind of figuras. Sacadas, lapses, enrosques, enrosques centrifuges…


When we talk about milonguero sistem we talk about ¨how prepare our body for rítmica music¨, is not the same way dance melodic music than rítmica,

We will work in different figuras , with different musicality.

Figuras for social dance

Sign up here:


More info:

MAXIMILIANO CRISTIANI has studied with the greatest maestros of Tango Salon. His first teacher was Osvaldo Zotto, and he continued his education with Gerardo Portalea, Carlitos and Rosa Perez, Pupy Castello, Orlando Paiva, Gloria and Eduardo Arquimbau, Eduardo Parejita, El Chino Perico and other legendary masters.

He is well-known for his teaching methods and has educated hundreds of tango dancers, who themselves became professionals as well.

For the past 8 years he has been taking part in the most famous championships of tango, and with great success too: he became the 2005 Metropolitan Vice-Champion, 2008 Tango Escenario World Vice-Champion, the 2012 Buenos Aires Tango Salon Champion, 2012 Milonga Champion, 2012 World Tango Vice-Champion. And in 2013 he won the Tango de Pista World Championship.

He took part in many tango shows, including ones in Tango Palace, Café Tortoni, and the tango company Fascino Di Tango, Tangos Corporation.

KARINA COLMEIRO is renowned for the high sensibility of her dance and for the quality of her teaching. She is a dancer, performer who has gone through various styles of dance. With a full training as a dancer, Karina danced ballet and contemporary dance professionally and has studied at the same time, pedagogy and music to become a Dance Teacher, She studies at the National School of Dance and then at the Teatro San Martin in Buenos Aires. Karina has been part of numerous Dance Companies in Argentina and Europe.
Karina danced and taught tango around the world through South America, North America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. She has participated in numerous Tango Festivals and work with different partners like Horacio Godoy, between then. Karina a choreographed shows in Buenos Aires and in others countries.
Karina has made an exhaustive study of the use of body and movement technique, given his vast knowledge of movement and pedagogy; she became a highly qualified teacher at the same time developing a highly sensitive dance and music interpretation.